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Preview-Case Studies: How Patient Engagement Has Addressed Challenges in Health Care Policy and Practice

OWI-Admin, Previews

Case Studies: How Patient Engagement Has Addressed Challenges in Health Care Policy and Practice


The health care system can be intimidating for patients and their families to navigate: many patients, their families, and advocates feel that their wants and needs are little understood. Yet health care providers feel the strain of the system too, as providing the best possible care often involves coordinating treatments across multiple departments and managing pressure-filled situations.

Preview-Start With the Stories: The Secret to Understanding Patient Experience

OWI-Admin, Previews

Start With the Stories: The Secret to Understanding Patient Experience


Every step of Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD) is essential to the overall process, but perhaps the most powerful component is that of storytelling. It is important to emphasize the value that storytelling brings to EBCD in truly capturing the lived-experience of patients and their families, and how critical it is that patients are engaged in the best way possible in order to share their unique experiences.

Preview-Forget the Complaint Box: Why Experience-Based Co-Design is Better

OWI-Admin, Previews

Forget the Complaint Box: Why Experience-Based Co-Design is Better

115451257As growing numbers of health care providers and policy makers embrace the notion that paying attention to patient experience contributes to improving patient health outcomes, various tools to assist in patient engagement are being designed, used and evaluated. One such methodology with a proven track record is Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD)

Preview-Why Patient Engagement Must Become a ‘Way of Life’

OWI-Admin, Previews

Why Patient Engagement Must Become a ‘Way of Life’

178486521While there have been numerous changes and innovations to health care in Canada through the years, our health systems still depend to a great extent on inherited, top-down models of care. The shift to patient-centred care (aka person-centred care) and increased Patient Engagement, as a means of improving health outcomes, are relatively new concepts that have only just begun to take root.

Preview-Creating a Productive Dialogue Session by Ensuring Everyone Can Engage

OWI-Admin, Previews

Preview-Putting Relationships First – A Different Approach to Designing “People Services”

OWI-Admin, Previews

Putting Relationships First – A Different Approach to Designing “People Services”


“People services” are the types of program such as health, education and social services that essentially involve one group of people (providers) providing a range of services to another group of people (variously called clients, consumers, patients or students, depending on the context). The planning for these programs has been dominated, over the past 50 years or so, by the desire to create systems intended to standardize the types and quality of the services provided, in the hope of creating similar outcomes for the clients. In this process, it has been generally assumed that any professional that possesses the appropriate qualifications can provide the required service. What has often been overlooked is the actual relationship that gets created between a provider and a client.

Preview-Making the Move to Virtual Meetings: Step 2 – Designing Effective Webinars

OWI-Admin, Previews

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